The Game Corner has been a staple of every Pokemon game up to Generation IV. Here you can buy coins, test your luck, and win fabulous prizes, including new Pokemon and TMs you won't get anywhere else.

The Basics

You'll need a Coin Case, to be found in the restauraunt from the guy with the glasses along the main strip of buildings below where the Rocket Game Corner is. At the main desk in Game Corner (in the top left corner) you can buy 50 coins for 1000P. Unlike more recent titles, there is no 500 coins for 10000P option: you're stuck mashing the A-button unless you decide to play a few games. Make sure you look around everywhere on the ground in the Game Corner: there are plenty of free coins other people have dropped, to be found as you would with any other hidden item. Your Itemfinder won't pick them up, though.

Which slot machine is best to get coins in Pokemon fire red? If a slot machine were 'rigged', it would pay much lower or much more than allowed. There have been instances of this happening. When the slots start spinning, BEFORE you hit A to stop the first column, the slot machine has already randomly determined if you can have a POSSIBLE WIN or if it will be IMPOSSIBLE to win. If it's deemed POSSIBLE to win, your exact winnings will be based on your timing and stopping the slots in the right order.

Slots and Games

The only game in the casino is a slot machine-style game. Insert however many coins you want (1, 2 or 3, which add more rows on the slots where you can win prizes) and try and line up the same picture. A triple 7 yields 300 coins, three BAR yield 100 coins, three Poliwag, Diglett, or Jigglypuff win 15 coins, and three cherries earn 8 coins. Go hog wild.



TM23 Dragon Rage: 3300 Coins A decent move and the only Dragon-type one in the game. Will always deal 40HP damage to anything regardless of type, stats, or weakness. Can be learned by the Dragons and dragonesque Pokemon including Charizard and Aerodactyl. You can probably figure out better options for these Pokemon later in the game but if you have some money to blow after the fourth badge it can be helpful to have a set damage attack.

TM15 Hyper Beam: 5500 Coins A very powerful Normal-type move. 150 Base Power, but forces you to recharge after using if you don't faint the enemy. Attach it to a strong and fast Pokemon with great Attack power (like Gyarados) and go hog wild.

TM50 Substitute: 7700 Coins A support move which creates a miniature doll of your Pokemon using a bit of its health to absorb stat-drops, conditions, and damage until its threshold is reached and it breaks. Not as useful as in later generations but can still be used for a good strategy or two.

Pokemon#030 Nidorina/ #033 Nidorino: 1200 Coins If you didn't catch one of the Poison-type Nidorans earlier in the game you can get their evolved forms here. Both save you a bit of time training and are pretty good when you evolve them. If you forgot to get a Moon Stone, there's one in the Rocket Hideout in the basement or one at Cinnabar Island.

#035 Clefairy: 500 Coins (Red) 750 Coins (Blue) Again, this can make up for not getting one of these rare little buggers in Mt. Moon. It too evolves with a Moon Stone and learns a few good Special moves. Normal-type.

#063 Abra: 120 Coins (Blue) 180 Coins (Red) Makes catching this little Psychic-type a heck of a lot easier now that he can't escape with Teleport. Evolves into a Pokemon with one of the best Special stats in the game (albeit reaching his last form via trade).

#123 Scyther: 5500 Coins (Red) A formidable Bug/Flying-type Pokemon with great Speed and Attack. Only found in the Red Version and in the Safari Zone, he's much easier to get with slots than randomly tossing balls at him and hoping for the best.

#127 Pinsir: 2500 Coins (Blue) Another Bug-type Pokemon with a killer stat set version exclusive, this time Pokemon Blue. Again, only found in the Safari Zone for the rest of the game.

#139 Porygon: 6500 Coins (Blue) 9999 Coins (Red) Exclusive to the slots, Porygon is very expensive in both versions. If you're looking for a strong battler, it's not going to be Porygon, though it has a fun novelty to it you could try and make work with its strong movepool. Normal-type.

#147 Dratini: 2800 Coins (Red) 4600 Coins (Blue) The only Dragon-type family in the game is found in its genesis only here and at the Safari Zone. Extremely rare and learns a myriad of great attacks, Dratini would make a smooth addition to any team.

Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver review

Posted on May 3, 2010 by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, Reviews

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Game Info:

System: Nintendo DS
Category: RPG
Players: 1-2 (versus)
Release date: March 14, 2010
Developer: Game Freak
Publisher: Nintendo

Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver are the latest games in Nintendo’s hugely successful Pokemon series, though they are both remakes of Gold and Silver: two Pokemon titles that were released back in 2000 for the Game Boy. Gold and Silver were believed by many to be the best games in the entire series, adding many innovations that have become standard, like the game’s internal clock and Pokemon breeding. Do HeartGold and SoulSilver manage to do these classic games justice, or do they not hold up after ten years and 200-and-something new Pokemon?

By now, I really shouldn’t have to explain the basics of Pokemon in great detail, but for those who haven’t touched the series before, HeartGold and SoulSilver are a great place to start. It’s an RPG where you play as a young kid who controls a team of up to six Pokemon – creatures you enslave (I mean…befriend) by capturing them in tiny balls. Then you force them to fight to the death (I mean…until they faint). Over the course of your adventure you travel the world, fighting rival trainers and evil organizations along the way. That’s really all the storyline there is. Pokemon is light on narrative, but it doesn’t really need to have a riveting story. It presents a world that you want to explore with creatures and places that are interesting. Having no story forced down my throat is fine by me because Pokemon is all about the gameplay.

The same old rules of battling Pokemon apply. Fire-type attacks beat grass-type Pokemon, grass-type Pokemon beat water-type Pokemon and so on. It’s like a game of elemental rock-paper-scissors, albeit with about thirteen other types thrown in. There have been a few tweaks to the battle system since Gold and Silver, though. Techniques are now also divided into physical, special and status-changing moves, and a lot of new abilities have been added over the years. Underlying the simplistic-looking battles are a complex system of Pokemon statistics, determined by natures, parents and a whole lot of other things only the hardcore battlers really need to take into account. At the end of the day it still feels very familiar, but a bit more refined. As refined as the gameplay is, there are still a few things about it that seem really outdated. Random encounters are so 1998 and I wouldn’t mind having more than one save file per game card.

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The Johto region isn’t quite as interesting as other more recent Pokemon settings. Asides from a few cool locations like the Ruins of Alph, most of the journey takes place on unexciting roads between cities with a few caves and forests thrown in for good measure. That’s not to say that there isn’t enough to keep you occupied, though. Johto has changed a bit over the past ten years, with a new Safari Zone and Battle Frontier providing more that enough content to satisfy even the most demanding Pokemon fan. The addition of the Kanto region with eight more gym leaders from Red and Blue is just the icing on the 100+ hour-long cake. If you haven’t got time to spare, it’s probably best to shy away from HeartGold and SoulSilver for now.

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The online trading and battling from the other DS Pokemon games makes a return appearance, as well as Platinum’s weird and not all that enjoyable mini-game plaza. Unfortunately, Game Freak apparently didn’t realize that no-one wants simple Mario Party-style mini-games in their Pokemon, so HeartGold and SoulSilver comes with the Pokeathlon, a shallow series of stylus-controlled mini-games. It’s a neat diversion at best, but it’s only really worth competing in it to get access to rare items and evolution-inducing stones. Voltorb Flip, a weird hybrid of Minesweeper and Picross, is much more enjoyable and infinitely better than the old (probably rigged) Game Corner slot machines it replaces.

The graphics are a nice-looking blend of sprites and 3D models on the overworld. The battle graphics are still the standard barely-moving Pokemon sprites, but some of attack animations look really nice and keep the battles looking interesting.

The music has also been completely redone, with Gold and Silver’s classic tunes being arranged to fit with updated hardware. The battle themes still get the blood pumping, the town themes are suitably serene, and the Pokemon Center music will still be stuck in your head for ages. Even if you don’t like the remixes, there’s always the option to use the original Game Boy tunes (though it’ll take some time to unlock). While the music has been updated, the Pokemon cries that play whenever you enter a battle haven’t. The cries from the more recent games sound passable, but the ones from the first two generations (which are the ones you’ll hear for the majority of the game) are still the same old ear-splitting sound effects.

The menus have been tweaked a bit to allow for a bit more stylus control. The DS’s lower screen makes it a lot easier to move Pokemon around in PC boxes and scroll through the Pokedex, so it’s a welcome change.

Perhaps the coolest addition HeartGold and SoulSilver makes is the Pokewalker. It’s basically an updated version of the old Pokemon Pikachu toys: a pedometer that gives out “watts” every few steps. What’s different about it is that you can now use these watts to trigger random Pokemon encounters (with an incredibly basic battle system) or find items. Screw Wii Fit, the best rewards for physical exercise have to be rare Pokemon and items. The Pokewalker makes it easy to find those hard-to-find Pokemon really early in the game (some would call it cheating the system), and level up while doing so. Gaining experience via the Pokewalker isn’t the best idea, though, as it requires taking a lot of steps for higher leveled Pokemon and only lets you level up a Pokemon once before it has to be transferred back to your Nintendo DS.

Another neat addition is the fact that your Pokemon now tag along behind your character in the game. It sounds like a tacked-on feature but it’s actually quite well thought out. Interesting things happen depending on what Pokemon you have with you and where: try taking a fire-type out in the rain, or a Tauros to a cattle ranch.

Small details like these are what makes the Pokemon series stand out amongst the hundreds of other RPGs on the Nintendo DS. HeartGold and SoulSliver provide a massive adventure that’s as charming as it is surprisingly complex. It doesn’t make any massive improvements to the Pokemon formula, but it’s a remake of an older game so who’s expecting it to? Sure, you may have been there before, but there’s more than enough reasons that you should give the Johto region one more visit.

Overall score: 9/10

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