
New accounts do get 2 character slots per server (so in principle you can have 10 per account, or you could also create additional accounts). And, well, the reason is because they sell additional character slots; it's one of the ways they monetize this F2P game.

When you play a f2p game ( free to play ) there always are some restrictions compared to paying users. So what exactly are the restrictions of a TERA f2p user?

Free users can only create 2 characters per realm, while Founders can create 8 characters per realm. Elite members get no extra character slots if they did not purchase the game.
There are however no restrictions on which race or class you can create.

You also can purchase more character slots in the TERA shop.
The refresh rate is the same for founder members and free members. Only Elite members have a double refresh rate on dungeons.
Bonus rewards of dungeons are also the same for free users and founders. Only Elite members recieve double bonus !
Daily Quests
Free and Founder members can do up to 10 daily quests, Elite members can do up to 20.
Bank Tabs
Free members only recieve 1 bank tab, while founder members recieve 4. Elite status does not increase the number of bank tabs if you did not purchase the game.
Gold Cap
If you are a free member, you can only mail 10 gold, while founders and elite can mail unlimited gold.
You can do 10 broker transactions as a free member, 30 transactions as a founder, and 50 transactions as an elite member of the game.
Both Free and founder do not recieve any discount, the elite member does recieve discount.

Best Tera Character

Free members do not recieve any special consumables or mounts, founder members also dont have that. Only Elite members during their subscription time.

Tera Character Races

Login Queues

Tera Eu Free Character Slot

Only founder members get the privillege to skip the login queues. Elite members and free members dont if they did not buy the game.

Tera online, free Character Slot

This seams like a fair deal for a free to play user, worth playing and downloading !